Язык вебсайта:
- English
Расположение игровых серверов:
- Australia Sydney
- France Paris
- Germany Frankfurt
- United Kingdom London
- United States CA Los Angeles
- United States TX Dallas
- United States NY New York
Платежный цикл:
1,3,6,12 месяцев
Игровые сервера для каких игр можно разместить на этом хостинге:

- 7 Days To Die
- Aftershock
- Argo
- Ark Survival Evolved
- Arma3 Altis Life
- Arma3 Breaking Point
- Arma3 Desolation Redux
- Arma3 Epoch Mod
- Arma3 Exile Mod
- Arma3 Vanilla
- Arma3 Wasteland
- Ballistic Overkill
- Battalion 1944
- Black Ops 4
- Blackwake
- Citadel Forged With Fire
- Conan Exiles
- Dark And Light
- DayZ Standalone
- Dead Matter
- Desolation Redux
- Empyrion Galactic Survival
- Fallout 76
- Fortnite
- Hellion
- Life Is Feudal
- Metal Gear Survive
- Minecraft
- Mount & Blade II Bannerlord
- PixArk
- Player's Unknown Battlegrounds
- Post Scriptum
- PS4 Ark Servers
- Reign Of Kings
- Rising Storm 2 Vietnam
- Rust
- Scum
- Survive The Nights
- Tannenberg
- Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
- Unturned
- Ylands
All our existing and new customers will enjoy lifetime benefits for their running and future services. Don't waste time and join MyBlackBoxHosting.com for all of these free benefits.
Easy To Use Config & Control
Our control panel is built with simplicity in mind. Editing your server to be exactly how you want it has never been easier.
24 Hour Support
Our support are here around the clock to be at your disposal for trouble shooting or advice. Test out our support by sending us an email.
Performance Matters
We invest heavily in our owned machines. The most up to date CPU, Memory and SSD hard disks so that your server runs as smoothly as possible.
Некоторые обзоры about MyBlackBoxHosting:
its a bit early for a review
its a bit early for a review, but if this is purely on the beginning experience. the admin panel is easy to use but has many many options. -
Fast, relaible service
I have not had a problem with BlackBoxServers and any minor issues that have occured have been dealt with quickly and in a friendly manner! -
good host
good host, not sure what the bad reviews are about, they are easy to reach and servers run perfect.