Game hosting at GameServerKings

Server locations, reviews, features, cost per game slot and etc. of GameServerKings game hosting for

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Website languages:

  • English

Server location of game hosting:

  • United States
  • Germany
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • France

Payment cycle:

1,3,6,12 months

Game servers offered by that hoster: $0.82 7 Days To Die hosting at GameServerKings $0.13 Rust hosting at GameServerKings $0.8 Team Fortress 2 hosting at GameServerKings

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Last reviews about GameServerKings:

TrustPilot rating 4.6 / 5
  • user icon
    I recommend to use the chat service whenever something is wrong. They make you spare quite some time roaming around the settings configurations.
  • user icon
    This is truly an amazing service ranging from its amazing support and boiling all the way down to its fantastic locations and latency. I highly recommend this product for you.
  • user icon
    If you want to host a server with high quality hardware for a cheap price and easy setup; GSK is the website for you, I set up my first Rust server with them and haven’t had any issues with lag/latency since, their helpful support team we’re always quick to respond to any questions I had, 10/10 service highly recommend

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